Imagine, you bought the house of your dreams. In that house, a few things need a change. The bathroom requires a replacement and the walls require a new layer of paint. But then, the hot water boiler requires replacement too. So a part of the budget for moving house is gone. What would you do?
Making a budget for moving house is the key. To help you on your way, 8 things you tend to forget when making a budget.
1. Taxes
When you buy a house in the Netherlands, you need to pay taxes. There is an exception: when you are under 35 years old, and buy your first house. This house shouldn’t be too expensive. Otherwise, you have to pay 2% of taxes.
But, that is not all. The municipality taxes will come your way too, if not paid by the current owner. That is easily €100.00 a month.
2. Unforeseen expenses
Most people tend to forget to reserve some money for unforeseen expenses. An estimate of 10-20% of your total budget for moving house is normal.
3. Extra food and drinks
Did you know it is normal in the Netherlands to provide coffee, tea and cookies for people who come over to work for you? It definitely helps to keep the relationship well. So it’s worthwhile investing!
4. Technical inspection
A technical inspection is always wise. Nobody wants to have a bad surprise after a year of living in a house. The risk of high maintenance costs is reduced when you know what you buy.
Did you know you are required to research the condition of the house before buying it?
5. Screws, hooks and other little stuff
You will be surprised how much money you can spend on tape, hooks, screws, drill bits etc. So make an estimate and reserve some money for it.
6. A vacuum cleaner
In my family, we always make a joke about vacuum cleaners. That every time you move house, it will cost you a vacuum cleaner. Why? You probably use it much more often. Also, the dust you will suck is not normal dust. But when it is not a vacuum cleaner, you probably need to replace another utility.
7. Double costs
In most cases, you need some time to move from one house to another. At this time you will pay double mortgage or rent, electricity, water etc. So reserve an amount of money on forehand.
8. Interpreter
In case you are a non-native speaker of Dutch, you most likely require an interpreter when you visit the notary. This is to protect you from not understanding the complicated Dutch documents you need to sign. But this is typically something people forget to add to their budget of moving house.
This list is not complete
Of course, every situation is different. By making your own budget, you prevent bad surprises. A budget is not a complete plan for your move, but it is a good start!
There are a lot of things to think about when you move house. And you may be afraid to forget some things. Then read this blog about 10 things expats easily forget when moving house.
Let’s start to prepare a budget for moving house together!
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