What you need to know about undeclared work in the Netherlands

Not a fancy subject this time: undeclared work or working black in the Netherlands. However, an important one. If you are thinking about renovating your house, you may phase this question: Do you want the work done partly undeclared or not? Why this blog? The answer...

What’s your energy and water consumption?

Energy and water consumption is a hot item these last months. It is a life necessity, which we take for granted in the west. A year ago, the market for energy was stable, now the market is out of control due to the war. And, most of us will think: what can I do to...

How to clean your Dutch house?

Like in many families, in my family some stories are told over and over again. And, one is about the way of cleaning which was normal in my grandmothers’ young years. When she was running her family, people judged her by how clean her house and wash was. If I...

Reading a Dutch quotation from a company

Every holiday, I make a list of what needs to be done in the house. Odd things like cleaning the ventilation system or painting the stairs. As a result, the last one is now on my list, and it takes good planning with a family who walks the stairs daily! Next time I...

Heat pump in the Netherlands

High energy prices Our house is heated by district heating. This way of heating is getting more common in the Netherlands. There is no connection with gas in our house. Although wood is used to heat our house, the prices in 2022 went up. For me, the energy prices are...