What to know when placing a veranda

Do you love being outside and miss the warm evenings? Are you blessed with a decent back garden? Then, a veranda could be a good idea. Especially in the Netherlands, where you never know what weather you can expect. Did you know that a few centuries ago, there were...

What to know about extending your house in the Netherlands

Dreaming of a house extension in the Netherlands A house renovation or moving. That’s a choice many people make after living in a house for a few years. A house extension could be a good option if you want to extend your living space. And, it is mostly cheaper...

More space in your house? Place a window dormer

Many houses in the Netherlands are build as a terraced house. Of course, this has to do with the availability of ground. However, you can outgrow a house. Especially, when your family grows or when you start to work from home. Moving house could be an option. Another...

10 ideas for using your garage as living space

Garage When you buy a house, you may see a lot of possibilities. Or, the broker promotes a lot of possibilities and notes them to sell the house.  Especially, when your house has a garage. This gives a good opportunity to use that extra space.  Not only to park your...

Investments that can add value to your house

Which house investments are good ones? I speak to many internationals living in the Netherlands and heard this question many times. Of course, this depends on your house, your family and your financial situation. In this blog, you find some ideas to invest your money...