More space in your house? Place a window dormer

Many houses in the Netherlands are build as a terraced house. Of course, this has to do with the availability of ground. However, you can outgrow a house. Especially, when your family grows or when you start to work from home. Moving house could be an option. Another...

What to know when you want to build your own house

Do you have the dream to built your own house? Or, can’t find any house on the market which has the wow-factor? This blog is for you. There are several ways of building a brand-new house. Project build (see this blog) Building together with others (Coöperatieve...

8 red flags when you buy a house

One interesting question from a house buyer Last week, I had a conversation with a future client of mine. I haven’t asked what his nationality was, but he came up with a very interesting question: What would be red flags for picking a house when you want to buy...